The Legislature recently amended the process by which tax acquired properties can be sold by municipalities and Maine Revenue Services. The revised process requires that tax acquired properties be listed and sold using a licensed real estate agent or broker, similar to how other residential properties are sold. As a result of these changes, tax acquired properties in the unorganized territory will no longer be listed in an annual bid packet or sold via a sealed bid process. Instead, these properties will be listed with and sold via a real estate agent or broker.
As part of this process, MRS has issued a Request for Proposal ("RFP") for the sale of tax-acquired property. Interested parties may access the RFP using this link. For more information about the RFP process, visit the Office of State Procurement Services' website, at:
For more information about the tax foreclosure process, please contact Maine Revenue Services’ Property Tax Division at Additional information will also be posted to this webpage as it becomes available.